Tuesday 21 July 2020

7 day Core Strength Challenge Day 2: Transverse Abs

During this 7 day core strength challenge we'll focus on a different core muscle each day.

During day 2 we'll learn about and work on the transverse abs, which is the deep muscles that wraps around the torso and helps with spinal protection and stability.

Why strengthen the core?
- The core stabilises and supports your body, protects your spine and helps reduce lower back pain
- A strong core can help improve balance and prevent falls
- Core strength can help mobility

Who this challenge is for?
Everyone! Beginners welcome.

The challenge is just 5 - 10 minutes a day for 7 days, so easy to fit into your daily routine.

That said, yoga though can be challenging, shouldn't be painful, so please work within your limitations and if unsure whether yoga is suitable for you, please first check with a health practitioner.

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